Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Yesterday's post got a little long and I cut it a bit short.  Truth is, I was more emotional than I wanted to be.  This process has proven to be more emotional than I expected.  When I say emotional, I do not mean that we are sad.  There are so many emotions.  Some of which I am not so sure I could even explain adequately with the written (typed) word.  I am concerned that anyone who reads these posts may get the feeling that we are unhappy or depressed in some way.  I hope that the "tone" does not "feel" that way.  I am not sure if I can explain our feelings and emotions adequately, but since we received the email telling us that we have an appointment in Ukraine (here is where I need to be careful to speak for myself), I have felt anxiousness (not fear, not anxiety defined as a state of internal turmoil), but not anxious that we have an impending and imposing threat, but anxious for the process, anxious for our future, anxious about the uncertainty.  Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

That is not really the anxious I am trying to describe.  Anxious like excited, like you are starting a new job, one that you have been anticipating for some time. It is good... and strange.

I have felt that strange feeling you get when you first begin dating someone you really like and you "hit it off".  But I have also felt that feeling you get when you are waiting for that person to call you after you have been out on a couple of dates.  You are watching the phone. You may even pick it up a few times to make sure you have a dial tone.  You want to dial his/her number to just make sure the "line is open".  You younger people may have no clue what I am talking about... maybe you go on Facebook or something to see if they are online, check your internet connection to make sure you are online, but the anticipation is what I am trying to convey.

I have felt frustration.  Frustration stemming from a lack of control.
I have felt inadequate.
I have felt insignificant.
I have felt minuscule.
I have felt selfish, self-absorbed, self-involved, egocentric, egomaniacal, self-seeking and self-serving.
But I have also felt peaceful, joyful, calm, relaxed, fortunate, light-hearted, content.

I do not mean this to appear like a thesaurus, simply a laundry list of the gamut of emotions that have and continue to rush through me.  They are continuously congruent and complimentary and at the same time contradictory.  Picture the familiar angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other shoulder analogy.  One one hand I have self and on the other hand I have The Lord.  On my own I am not capable, but when I give up trying to control everything, He makes me more than capable.  So, the human emotion, then a release of control, then another set of emotions as God provides for me what I need, then another set of emotions as I realize that I should have just let Him handle it in the first place.  I know... I know... it sounds a bit schizophrenic.  Well, that is how one might imagine that it feels.

So, anyway, I got a good nights sleep and have very little to do today.  I am feeling much better, emotionally -- not that I can express myself very well either way, but I have a clearer head to allow for some better explanation about what is happening here.''

Tomorrow we will be headed to Berdychiv (in the lower left) from Kiev (in the upper right) see the map below.

It should prove interesting.  I will keep you informed.
Meanwhile, the food here is so good.  We have had some really great meals.  This was my pie for lunch yesterday.
It cost all of like two dollars.  Here is Valerie's lunch pie:

I am not sure you will be able to see these pictures, so I will stop here and "test" to see if they are showing up.  Thank you all for your continued prayers.  God is good!  All the time!

Ok... so it looks like I figured out how to get a picture or two in here, so here is the picture of the nondescript SDA building I mentioned yesterday: and the stairwell inside:

More pictures later.  Oh wait... let me show you the map of where we are and where we are going:


  1. Love being able to read about your thoughts and the details of your initial days in Ukraine. Y'all are on my mind so often and I'm praying for a variety of things for you there and for your sweet children here & for Patty. Your trust in our God and in this journey you're on reminds me to trust Him in every detail, every day. The pics of food and the building paint a great picture for me of how you're spending some of your time and I feel more connected to y'all. Praying for a better sleep routine for you both. Sending love & will return for your updates. Quick ? - did Victoria's page glow like we prayed it would?

    1. Jamie, no glow. It was an interesting meeting from beginning to end. I would love to tell you in detail about it. We did stop and Jeff and I prayed a short prayer right in the middle of it, but the "format" wasn't what we were expecting. Trusting in Him for literally every step of the way. :) Love you my friend!!

  2. Yay, I can see the pictures! Well, talk about a roller coaster of emotions (hehe, your description sounds like me...everyday) I am still praying for you all and your travels(you've got a long train ride?) and meeting Victoria and discussions with the doctors! Love you guys!
