Thursday, March 10, 2016

Thought I would share with you a little of the "daily life" here in the Ukraine.

Our apartment is on floor six.  The first day we took the elevator -which fit Jeff and I snugly.  The elevator proceeded upward with a schreeching noise and a couple of clunks, so we now refer to it as the "box of death".  We then decided to take the stairs, not really because we are afraid, but more for exercise -the food here is really delicious!!  So, 10 flights up, 10 flights down - multiple times a day should help keep the chocolate gooey sugar cookie thing from sticking, right?  This is the restaurant that has the ooey, gooey chocolate thing!!


Since I tried to pack light I thought I would try to tackle the washing machine today.  And... can I first mention, I am Super Grateful for a washing machine at all!!!  The instructions are all in Russian, so you know me, I just started pushing buttons.  The tiny washing machine (enough to fit 2 pairs of Jeffs jeans and a sweat shirt) did a fabulous job and the clothes smell way better than when they went in :)The washing machine is in the bathroom, because that is where there is plumbing.  Then out to hang dry by the balcony door.  The weather here has been in hovering around 50 and has been beautiful - nice and crisp.  Lets hope the clothes get dry before we pack tomorrow morning.

We travel to the "market" at least twice a day to pick up something, water, tissues, laundry detergent, bananas, you name it.  Apparently this is the "norm" in this country.  The food does not have additives or preservatives so they go to the grocery once or twice a day.

As in most large cities, people are walking everywhere.  There is a bus, a metro and taxis if it is too far to take public transportation.  This picture was taken out of our balcony window.  The buildings are beautiful but most are "under construction".  Renovations are being done to some because of their age and others have "covers" over them - these were the buildings that 2 years ago when Russia sent in "little green men" to handle a protest between the Ukrainian President (siding with Putin) and the people, the buildings were burned.  These peaceful protests got out of hand and over 100 people were either shot by a sniper in the streets, gunned down, or beat to death.  The pictures of the people killed are now displayed up a street that is about a 3 minute walk from our hotel.  Why were the Russians here?  It seems to be a topic of discussion among the Ukrainians.  Alright, enough of the history lesson.

It has been amazing to me how different the culture can be but also how similar - at the same time.  We might do things differently, like laundry and grocery shopping, but people are people (anyone singing the 80's hit?).  They try to help us order food at the local restaurant, they try to help us check out at the local market - they are people, created by God in His image and He loves them all.  They are just trying to find their way in this world.  Trying to figure out their purpose.  Alright, enough of the philosophy lesson!

Tomorrow morning we pack up and leave the city of Kiev at 7am.  Going to meet Victoria and see if she is the one God has for our family.  Obedience, Faith, then back to obedience.  I just always want to be in His will.  Going with hands lifted to Him in praise for who He is.

I also want to share about our translator/ advocate and his family, but another day.  

Dasvidaniya.  To Him be ALL the Glory, Honor and Praise!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing the details of your trip. Inquiring minds want to know. We are enjoying the journey with you. Praying, loving, expecting... David
