Monday, March 7, 2016

Maybe some of you remember when you were having your first child.  Do you remember that every commercial on television, every movie, every sitcom, every magazine article, every book seemed to be about babies or pregnancy or diapers?  Remember when you bought a new car (or at least new to you) and every other car you saw was the same car? It seems that these images are all around us, but we choose to ignore them most of the time and we seem to focus on them when we are in the midst of a situation. Yesterday we traveled all night and day 19 hours to Kiev Ukraine. We flew to Atlanta. That was easy. We then flew to Amsterdam. 8 hours of sitting in one spot. It was late at night, but we were traveling east and chasing the sun so it go a little weird. I watched two movies on the plane until I fell asleep during one of them. We were served a snack, dinner, breakfast and a snack. Our bodies had no idea what was happening and our minds were so confused and sleep deprived that we simply ate whatever it was without knowing what day or time it was. I do not look forward to the trip home. Then we flew from Amsterdam to Kiev, another 2 hr 45 min.  As we landed in Kiev is was grey, overcast and a little dreary. In the clouds however, there was one vertical break and one horizontal break where the sun shone through. It was in the form of the cross. No other breaks in the clouds. He sun was not shining through anyplace else. It appeared as if no one else had seen this, as if it was meant for all of us, but no one was noticing. How many signs of God's love and presence do we miss on a daily basis I because we are focused on the wrong things?  This was a sobering thought for me. When I focus my attention on Him... He is there. But even further, He is there anyway, as if longing for me to notice. Wow!
We are in Ukraine  we have met with our interpreter.  He is such a nice man. I am not sure if this picture will show up, but here is our view from our apartment. 

More later.

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