Friday, February 26, 2016

2-24-16 - Wednesday Posted by Valerie Bynum

The countdown has begun.  Levi has been asking how many sleeps until I leave.  12.  12 sleeps.  12 sleep until the totally unknown begins.  I’m not a real sappy person, but I do find myself these days holding on to Levi a little longer,  trying to kiss Noble (as he runs away from me) and sitting with Keeley just to spend time with her even when I have “things” to do.  I’m going to miss these sweet children.  Doubts come flooding into my mind and then I have to once again focus on My Savior.  If I let fear and doubt run my life I would never fulfill the plan He has for me.  I also feel the overwhelming need to share with my children just how much their Father in Heaven loves them.  That His love will fill every need, every desire, ever want.  I’m hoping that through their “yes, mom, we know” it really sinks in.  I just have to stay focused on Jesus and trust His plan.
“For who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him?”  But we have the mind of Christ.   - 1 Corinthians 2:16.  Keep renewing your mind with Him and His word and watch the changes happen.  

Beth Moore - Satan doesn’t have to get us blatantly thinking satanic thoughts to have victory over us.  All he needs is to get us looking at life from man’s perspective rather than God’s.  But if we surrender our minds to the things of God, we are safe!  We don’t have to constantly look out for our own best interests, because He’s constantly looking out for them.  Make the deliberate choice to have in mind the things of God when faced with our biggest challenges.  If we don’t, most of us will probably default back to our natural instinct - the things of man.   

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