Friday, February 26, 2016

2-21-16 - Sunday Posted by Valerie Bynum

Plans, plans and more plans.  Two months of being in the Ukraine leads to me making plans for Keeley, Noble and Levi while I'm gone.  Grandma and Papa to stay with them.  Grami to visit to break up the monotony.  Friends to shuttle them back and forth to Science, Spanish, Gymnastics, Wrestling, Karate.  Eyes to watch as Levi plays outside and gets a boo boo that needs kissed.  Bills to pay, meals to plan.  Stocking up on dog food and treats.  Easter to plan while I’m in the Ukraine.   The outpouring of love and help from friends and family is staggering.  Watching God work out the details is almost, dare I say it, fun.  This morning when I woke up my first thought was, oh my, more planning.  It’s amazing how a couple of days can change the trajectory of your life.  See, my life as I would have planned it as a little girl, did not include me being a mom.  Through His perfect plans I am a mom to 3 of His pride and joy’s and now He is calling us to add 1-2 more to His family.  

Life is full of questions.  Put aside my answers and ask for God’s answers.

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